Radioactive Consequences of a War in Ukraine

Rico Chandra provides insight on how a war in Ukraine could lead to thousands of radioactive sources getting lost, or worse, getting stolen and repurposed for political destabilization.
Belarus’s Weaponization of Migration Should Make Us Reevaluate the Extent of Crimes Against Humanity and Human Rights

Peter Pinto provides his perspective on the Belarus migration crisis and whether it constitutes a crime against humanity.
Afghanistan: Before Time Runs Out

As the Taliban inch closer toward retaking Afghanistan amid U.S. withdrawal, the International Republican Institute’s Owen Kirby provides analysis on how the U.S. and its partners can be helpful to the Afghan government with non-military assistance, while recognizing the reality on the ground.
Amidst Disinformation and Geopolitical Rivalry, Bulgaria Returns to the Polls July 11th

As Bulgarians head to the polls on July 11th for the second time within the span of a few months, Dr. Kjell Engelbrekt provides analysis on why the formation of a new and sustainable coalition government is unlikely.
The U.S. and Hungary: Friends in Need of a Better Way

The UN Security Council is Failing – Why Reform is Needed Now

In this piece for the Foreign Policy Project, Breanna Reynolds highlights the need for reform within the UN Security Council, particularly as challenges to international security have become more complex than ever.
Negotiating Security in Latin America, How Russia Regained a Foothold in the Western Hemisphere

Taylor Valley discusses Russia’s strategy in Latin America in her geopolitical analysis for the Foreign Policy Project.
Russia’s Kissinger: The Man Behind Russia’s Geopolitical Grand Strategy

Nicolai Nielsen writes about the mindset behind Russian foreign policy and its modern mastermind, Alexander Dugin.
Trump isn’t NATO’s Only Problem

CIP Non-Resident Fellow Basel Ammane describes that while the risk of a declining US commitment to the alliance is real under the Trump presidency, a shaky commitment by a US president is hardly the only source of problems for today’s NATO.
Canada Should Reemphasize Its Place in NATO

In this critical review and analysis, Basel Ammane argues why Canada should reemphasize its role in NATO.