Author Archive: J. Berkshire Miller
J. Berkshire Miller is a Founding Director of the Council on International Policy, a fellow on East Asia for the EastWest Institute and also Chair of the Japan-Korea Working Group for the Pacific Forum CSIS.
Japan’s two-track North Korea policy in a shambles

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller argues why after repeated and renewed provocations by the North, the gig is up for Abe and his two-track approach with the North.
North Korea’s Provocations Revive US Missile Shield in South Korea

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses revived plans for a US missile shield in South Korea in light of North Korean provocations.
Finalising the TPP: A critical step for East Asia

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller comments on the benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership for East Asia via his latest for Al Jazeera America.
Taiwan’s spoiler role in the South China Sea

In his latest for Al Jazeera America, the Council’s J. Berkshire Miller argues why as a non-state party to the territorial dispute, Taipei needs to be cautious not to solidify existing fault lines.
Avoiding Landmines: Trajectory of the Japan-China Relationship in 2016

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses Chinese-Japanese relations and argues that the two countries face large obstacles despite recent improvements in this piece for the Diplomat and the EastWest Institute’s new Policy Innovation blog.
East China Sea is Japan’s top security challenge

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller highlights why the East China Sea is the biggest security challenge for Japan.
Outcome of Taiwan’s Election Could Help Boost Ties With Japan

In his latest for the World Politics Review, the Council’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses Japan-Taiwan relations.
No Grand Bargain

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses Japan-Korea relations after the “Comfort Women” deal in his latest for Foreign Affairs.
Japan embraces India as China looms

The CIP’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses Japan-India relations in his latest on Al Jazeera.
Legal Dimensions of China-Philippines Dispute

In an article for the International Bar Association, the CIP’s J. Berkshire Miller analyzes the Hague Arbitration on the South China Sea dispute between Beijing and Manila.