Tag: Shinzo Abe
A Look at the Influence of Japanese Security Measures in Global Affairs

Fuad Olajuwon provides analysis of Japan’s approach to international security, including through peacekeeping operations.
Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Faces a Crucial Test on Security

The CIP’s J. Berkshire Miller looks at Abe’s political future and Japan’s security legislation in this piece published by the Boston Globe.
Japan Should Do More to Forge Security Links with ASEAN

The CIP’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses Japan’s security role with ASEAN in the Nikkei Asian Review.
Japan Reconsiders Its National Security Posture

The CIP’s J. Berkshire Miller looks at Japan’s current security legislation in a piece with Al Jazeera America.
A Good Defense In East Asia

The CIP’s J. Berkshire Miller analyzes the new US-Japan bilateral defense guidelines and the future of the US-Japan alliance in Foreign Affairs.
Hedging Their Bets, China, Japan and South Korea Push Trilateral Ties

The CIP’s J. Berkshire Miller analyzes the slow thaw between Japan, Korea and China through trilateral initiatives.
Japan and India’s Mutual Courtship

Abe and Modi are becoming fast friends, and China’s watching, writes the Council on International Policy’s J. Berkshire Miller for Al Jazeera America.
Abe: Japan’s New Statesman?

In his latest for Global Asia, the Council on International Policy’s J. Berkshire Miller writes about Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s ambitious diplomatic drive to reassert Japan’s global influence.
Japan’s South Asia Strategy Takes Shape

With an eye towards Beijing, Tokyo seems set to increase its outreach to nations like Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.