Tag: Nuclear Program
President Biden: Try for a Double Play on Iran and Afghanistan

As the US and Iran navigate through the current impasse in restoring the nuclear deal amid the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, Jon Greenwald provides his views on how these concurrent challenges justify a new strategy for dealing with them that cuts across both situations.
North Korea’s Monolithic System & the Juche Ideology

Ian Fleming provides his perspective on the Juche Ideology’s impact on North Korea’s nuclear proliferation.
Strengthening Sea-Based Nuclear Deterrence: North Korea Moving Towards Assured Second Strike Capability

North Korea is making strides in developing survivable nuclear forces, one in which its new SLBM plays a crucial component. Given the difficulties in detecting ballistic missile submarines, SLBMs are arguably the most reliable leg of Pyongyang’s a nuclear deterrent force. CIP Non-Resident Fellow Debalina Ghoshal provides analysis in her latest contribution.
Does the New Saudi Reactor Justify Proliferation Fears?

Is Saudi Arabia’s development of a nuclear reactor a proliferation concern? The CIP’s Basel Ammane takes a look in his latest for the NATO Association of Canada.
The Plutonium Disposition Management Agreement: Russia’s Withdrawal and the Possible Consequences

Debalina Ghoshal discusses Russia’s suspension of the Plutonium Disposition Management Agreement with the United States for the Foreign Policy Project.
Canada Should Take Lessons Learned from Cuba to Iran

Navid Hassibi of the Council on International Policy argues that Canada must plan for the eventual normalization of relations with Tehran.