Tag: North Korea
North Korea’s Monolithic System & the Juche Ideology

Ian Fleming provides his perspective on the Juche Ideology’s impact on North Korea’s nuclear proliferation.
Strengthening Sea-Based Nuclear Deterrence: North Korea Moving Towards Assured Second Strike Capability

North Korea is making strides in developing survivable nuclear forces, one in which its new SLBM plays a crucial component. Given the difficulties in detecting ballistic missile submarines, SLBMs are arguably the most reliable leg of Pyongyang’s a nuclear deterrent force. CIP Non-Resident Fellow Debalina Ghoshal provides analysis in her latest contribution.
North Korea: The Agitator of East Asia?

Fuad Olajuwon discusses North Korea’s provocations in his latest for the Foreign Policy Project.
Deciphering China’s Coal Ban from North Korea:

Debalina Ghoshal discusses China’s coal ban from North Korea for the Foreign Policy Project.
Japan’s two-track North Korea policy in a shambles

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller argues why after repeated and renewed provocations by the North, the gig is up for Abe and his two-track approach with the North.
North Korea’s Provocations Revive US Missile Shield in South Korea

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses revived plans for a US missile shield in South Korea in light of North Korean provocations.
Asia’s Big What If: What Happens If Kim Jong-Un Is No More?

A collapse of the Kim regime would send shockwaves throughout Northeast Asia, writes the Council on International Policy’s J. Berkshire Miller.