Tag: featured
Finalising the TPP: A critical step for East Asia

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller comments on the benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership for East Asia via his latest for Al Jazeera America.
Taiwan’s spoiler role in the South China Sea

In his latest for Al Jazeera America, the Council’s J. Berkshire Miller argues why as a non-state party to the territorial dispute, Taipei needs to be cautious not to solidify existing fault lines.
China is in the lead in the South China Sea

With the current developments in the longstanding maritime dispute, is China the only claimant benefiting from the protraction?
Avoiding Landmines: Trajectory of the Japan-China Relationship in 2016

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses Chinese-Japanese relations and argues that the two countries face large obstacles despite recent improvements in this piece for the Diplomat and the EastWest Institute’s new Policy Innovation blog.
Small Steps Towards Re-Engagement With Iran

The Council’s Navid Hassibi discusses Canada-Iran relations in his latest for the Huffington Post just as Canada lifts its sanctions on Iran.
East China Sea is Japan’s top security challenge

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller highlights why the East China Sea is the biggest security challenge for Japan.
Canada-Mexico Ties Ready for Next Chapter

Adriana Vega discusses the strategic importance of Canada’s bilateral ties with Mexico in her latest for the Foreign Policy Project.
It’s Canada’s Turn to Engage Iran

The Council’s Navid Hassibi discusses why it should be Canada’s turn to engage Iran post-nuclear deal in his latest for the Huffington Post.
Outcome of Taiwan’s Election Could Help Boost Ties With Japan

In his latest for the World Politics Review, the Council’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses Japan-Taiwan relations.
No Grand Bargain

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses Japan-Korea relations after the “Comfort Women” deal in his latest for Foreign Affairs.