Tag: China
Black Mirror Statecraft: Combating PRC Hostile Social Manipulation and Sharp Power in an Era of Great Power Competition

Jonathan Lushenko provides his insight on what he terms Black Mirror Statecraft to describe China’s sharp power through hostile social manipulation to exploit democratic ideals of free speech and press to weaken the Liberal International Order in pursuit of broader PRC objectives. Lushenko offers policy prescriptions for the U.S. to enhance its public diplomacy and strategic communications efforts to counter the PRC’s Black Mirror Statecraft.
Implications of the Proposed China-Iran deal for India

Sruthi V S provides analysis of the implications on India’s foreign policy of Iran and China’s new deal.
Policy Report: Rule of Law and Peace and Order in the South China Sea and the West Philippine Sea

In a Policy Report for the Foreign Policy Project, Catherine S. Panaguiton discusses what the Arbitral Tribunal Award really means for littoral and affected states as well as its aftermath and the way forward.
Deciphering China’s Coal Ban from North Korea:

Debalina Ghoshal discusses China’s coal ban from North Korea for the Foreign Policy Project.
If TPP fails, China takes advantage

The slow-drag on the TPP is turning the attention of some in the region back to trade possibilities with China, writes J. Berkshire Miller for Al Jazeera English.
Australia’s China gamble

J. Berkshire Miller discusses Australia’s balancing act with China and the United States in his latest for Al Jazeera.
Taiwan’s spoiler role in the South China Sea

In his latest for Al Jazeera America, the Council’s J. Berkshire Miller argues why as a non-state party to the territorial dispute, Taipei needs to be cautious not to solidify existing fault lines.
China is in the lead in the South China Sea

With the current developments in the longstanding maritime dispute, is China the only claimant benefiting from the protraction?
Avoiding Landmines: Trajectory of the Japan-China Relationship in 2016

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses Chinese-Japanese relations and argues that the two countries face large obstacles despite recent improvements in this piece for the Diplomat and the EastWest Institute’s new Policy Innovation blog.
East China Sea is Japan’s top security challenge

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller highlights why the East China Sea is the biggest security challenge for Japan.