Tag: Canada
How Trudeau Can Improve Our National Security Policy-Making Process

Navid Hassibi discusses how Trudeau can improve Canada’s national security policy-making process via the Huffington Post.
What Trudeau’s First 100 Days on the World Stage Will Look Like

Navid Hassibi provides his take on Trudeau’s first 100 days in office on the world stage in his latest via the Huffington Post.
A Look at What Real Change Could Mean for Canadian Foreign Policy

Navid Hassibi provides a brief look at what “Real Change” could mean for Canadian foreign policy under a Trudeau government.
‘Outdated’ Iran policy makes Canada a global outlier

The CIP’s Navid Hassibi discusses how Canada’s existing Iran policy will isolate it now that a nuclear deal has been struck.
Canada should prep for life after Iran sanctions

Navid Hassibi discusses how Canada will likely need to lift nuclear-related sanctions against Iran in the event a nuclear deal is reached.
Canada Votes 2015: The Middle East factor

The CIP’s Wisam Salih writes for the Canadian International Council about what to expect on Canada’s mission in Iraq/Syria during this year’s federal election.
Canada Should Take Lessons Learned from Cuba to Iran

Navid Hassibi of the Council on International Policy argues that Canada must plan for the eventual normalization of relations with Tehran.
Canada’s Role vs. ISIS

The Council on International Policy’s Navid Hassibi and Wisam Salih recently published a piece in Embassy News and in the Canadian International Council’s opencanada.org about Canada’s role in fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.