A Miscalculated Political Maneuver? The Release of Venezuela’s Opposition Leader Leopoldo López and the Deepened Political Crisis
What was the Venezuelan government’s thinking behind the release of opposition leader, Leopoldo López? Here’s one perspective.
A Look at the Influence of Japanese Security Measures in Global Affairs
Fuad Olajuwon provides analysis of Japan’s approach to international security, including through peacekeeping operations.
The Organization of American States: The Forum of Despair and Economic Interests
Marcelo López de Aragón provides analytical commentary on why the OAS has been unable to address the crisis in Venezuela.
NATO Hangs in the Balance
Basel Ammane provides analysis for the Foreign Policy Project in this Policy Brief on the Trump administration’s approach to NATO following last week’s Summit.
North Korea: The Agitator of East Asia?
Fuad Olajuwon discusses North Korea’s provocations in his latest for the Foreign Policy Project.
Policy or Politics? How Partisan Appeasement Inhibits Diplomatic Integrity between Japan and South Korea
Fuad Olajuwon discusses how partisan appeasement affects diplomacy in the context of Japan and South Korea.
When Right is Wrong: How Excessive Political Leanings Undermine the Security Goals of Japan
Fuad Olajuwon opines that excessive political leanings undermine Japanese national security in his latest for the Foreign Policy Project.
The Plutonium Disposition Management Agreement: Russia’s Withdrawal and the Possible Consequences
Debalina Ghoshal discusses Russia’s suspension of the Plutonium Disposition Management Agreement with the United States for the Foreign Policy Project.
Make Japan Great Again? The Rise of Trump and Significance of the US-Japan Alliance
Fuad Olajuwon discusses the alliance between Japan and the United States a few months into the Trump administration.