Debt Relief and a New Era in Canadian-African Relations

Michael Belafi highlights opportunities for Canada to expand its ties with Sub-Saharan Africa in his analysis for the Foreign Policy Project.
Make Japan Great Again? The Rise of Trump and Significance of the US-Japan Alliance

Fuad Olajuwon discusses the alliance between Japan and the United States a few months into the Trump administration.
If TPP fails, China takes advantage

The slow-drag on the TPP is turning the attention of some in the region back to trade possibilities with China, writes J. Berkshire Miller for Al Jazeera English.
Why the Next President Must Focus on Asia

In his piece for TIME, the Council’s J. Berkshire Miller argues why one of the critical issues that needs to be addressed after the election in a bipartisan manner is maintaining—and indeed strengthening—the trajectory of US efforts to “rebalance” its resources and attention to the Asia-Pacific.
With Sanctions Lifted, South Korea Eyes Investment Links to Iran

In his latest for the World Politics Review, the Council’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses the post-sanctions increase in economic ties between Korea and Iran.
Japan’s Africa ambitions

Japan should accentuate its strengths and continue the current diplomatic uptick which aligns with Africa’s growth, argues the CIP’s J. Berkshire Miller in his latest for Al Jazeera.
Trudeau Is Ushering Canada Into A New Era Of Foreign Policy

In his latest for the Huffington Post, the Council’s Navid Hassibi writes about Trudeau ushering Canada in a new era of foreign policy.
Australia’s China gamble

J. Berkshire Miller discusses Australia’s balancing act with China and the United States in his latest for Al Jazeera.
Finalising the TPP: A critical step for East Asia

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller comments on the benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership for East Asia via his latest for Al Jazeera America.
Avoiding Landmines: Trajectory of the Japan-China Relationship in 2016

The Council’s J. Berkshire Miller discusses Chinese-Japanese relations and argues that the two countries face large obstacles despite recent improvements in this piece for the Diplomat and the EastWest Institute’s new Policy Innovation blog.