Author Archive: Wisam Salih
Why the Iraqi Kurdish vote was problematic — and what can be done about it

Wisam Salih argues foreign governments should wait to support an independent Iraqi Kurdistan and outlines the steps Kurdish leaders need to take to gain legitimacy.
Welcome to a hipper, younger, capable Canadian public service

In his latest for OpenCanada, the Council’s Wisam Salih highlights the challenges and opportunities for young Canadians to become international affairs practitioners in the Public Service.
Canada Votes 2015: The Middle East factor

The CIP’s Wisam Salih writes for the Canadian International Council about what to expect on Canada’s mission in Iraq/Syria during this year’s federal election.
Canada’s Role vs. ISIS

The Council on International Policy’s Navid Hassibi and Wisam Salih recently published a piece in Embassy News and in the Canadian International Council’s about Canada’s role in fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.